Friday, October 28, 2016

Fall Cleaning with Thieves Essential Oil

I know everyone does, or has heard of, Spring Cleaning.  I am in the process of Fall Cleaning.  And I'm dousing my home in Young Living's Thieves Essential Oil to help keep sickness away.  I have Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves oil, Thieves Laundry Detergent, and Thieves Dish-washing Liquid. Here are some of the ways I use Thieves oil and products...

~ Multi-purpose Spray

I mix Thieves oil with Castile soap and water in a spray bottle.  I use this to wipe down kitchen counters, tabletop, bathroom counters, and doorknobs.

~ Diffuse

I diffuse the Thieves oil in my diffuser at least once a week.  I also use Purification, Lemon, and R.C. oils to freshen the air.

~ Floor Cleaner

I use Thieves Household cleaner to wash my floors.  I take a few capfuls of cleaner and add them to a gallon bucket of water.  It is gentle enough for my bathroom floor;  which requires non-harsh cleaners.

~ Dish Washing

I use a small amount of Thieves dish-washing liquid to wash dishes.  I also use it to wipe down the counter around my sink, and clean my sink.

~ Laundry Detergent

The Thieves detergent has a gentle scent that makes laundry smell amazing.  You only need a small amount for each load, which is definitely cost effective.

The fall/winter season is riff with sickness, and last year our family got hit hard with the Noro virus...which meant weeks of vomit and diarrhea.  I do NOT want to go through that again, so using Thieves oil to clean my home makes me feel like I have a leg up on this cold and flu season.

Along with washing my house, I am also de-cluttering and organizing.  I have several lists of containers and shelves I need to organize, and I am purging clothes, toys, and miscellaneous other items that are laying around with no home and no purpose.  


  1. I have two bottles of the household cleaner and I love it!

  2. I love the smell! It is perfect for fall.
