Friday, February 9, 2018

Post Partum Ponderings

Well, it's been 10 weeks since I had Teylie.  I struggle alot during the postpartum stage.  I hate my body, it's so fat and none of my clothes fit.  I'm heavier than before the pregnancy, which is frustrating since I worked out 3-5x a week up until the 34th week, and ate well for the most part.  I am not the type of woman who loses weight easily, and breastfeeding doesn't help.  I am also still trying to sort out my day, on top of schooling 4 kids, nursing a baby, trying to corral 2 small children, and keeping my house clean.  I'm worn thin, let me tell you. (I have been staying on top of the bathrooms, at least!  And my darling husband has been doing the laundry until I get house and school pretty much under control. {can it ever be under control with 7 kids??})

My mom-in-love (and Dad) moved away from us, which is very hard.  They lived just down the road so not having them so close is taking alot of getting used to.  I'm trying not to cry every time I think about it. We saw them every Sunday at church, and every Wednesday for Pioneer Club when they were at Prayer Meeting.  So, going from that to only seeing them once a month or so is really difficult for both me and the kids.

We have FINALLY gotten back into a school routine!!  I think we're on track to finish school by June this year!!  I do some school during the summer as my kids need it so the transition back into full time school isn't SO hard.  Liam is doing school about 2-3 days a week, so he'll do some during summer, too.  Ronan is begging to do school, so I think we may try Kindergarten in the fall with him. He turns 5 in December.

I've been brainstorming some ideas for more posts, so stay tuned!!

I really appreciate the understanding you all have as I cannot blog all the time.